
Tokenized Vaults with Lock-in Period

ERC-4626 Tokenized Vaults with Lock-in Period.
DraftStandards Track: ERC
Created: 2022-12-21
Requires: EIP-4626
Anderson Chen (@Ankarrr), Martinet Lee <martinetlee@gmail.com>, Anton Cheng <antonassocareer@gmail.com>
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This standard extends EIP-4626 to support lock-in periods.


The EIP-4626 standard defines a tokenized vault allowing users (contracts or EOAs) to deposit and withdraw underlying tokens at any time. However, there exist cases where the vault needs to lock the underlying tokens (perhaps to execute certain strategies). During the lock-in period, neither withdrawals nor deposits should be allowed. This standard extends the EIP-4626 to support lock-in periods and handle scheduled deposits and withdrawals during them.


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 and RFC 8174.

All vaults that follow this EIP MUST implement EIP-4626 to provide basic vault functions and EIP-20 to represent shares.


  • asset: The underlying EIP-20 token that the vault accepts and manages.
  • share: The EIP-20 token that the vault issued.
  • locked: A status of the vault. When the vault is locked, user can’t withdraw or deposit assets from the vault.
  • unlocked: A status of the vault. When the vault is unlocked, user can withdraw or deposit assets from the vault.
  • round: The period that the vault is locked.

View Methods


The current state of the vault.

true represents a vault is in the locked state, and false represents a vault is in the unlocked state.

- name: isLocked type: bool stateMutability: view inputs: [] outputs: - name: isLocked type: bool


The current round of the vault.

MUST start with 0.

MUST add 1 each time a new round starts, that is, when the isLocked becomes true. MUST NOT be modified in any other circumstances.

- name: vaultRound type: uint256 stateMutability: view inputs: [] outputs: - name: vaultRound type: uint256



Schedule the intent to deposit assets when the isLocked is true.

MUST only be callable when the isLocked is true.

MUST transfer the assets from the caller to the vault. MUST not issue new shares.

MUST revert if assets cannot be deposited.

MUST revert if the isLocked is false.

- name: scheduleDeposit type: function stateMutability: nonpayable inputs: - name: assets type: uint256


Schedule the intent to redeem shares from the vault when the isLocked is true.

MUST only be callable when the isLocked is true.

MUST transfer the shares from the caller to the vault. MUST not transfer assets to caller.

MUST revert if shares cannot be redeemed.

MUST revert if the isLocked is false.

- name: scheduleRedeem type: function stateMutability: nonpayable inputs: - name: shares type: uint256


Process all scheduled deposits for depositor and minting newShares.

MUST only be callable when the isLocked is false.

MUST issue newShares according to the current share price for the scheduled depositor.

MUST revert if there is no scheduled deposit for depositor.

- name: settleDeposits type: function stateMutability: nonpayable inputs: - name: depositor - type: address outputs: - name: newShares - type: uint256


Process all scheduled redemptions for redeemer by burning burnShares and transferring redeemAssets to the redeemer.

MUST only be callable when the isLocked is false.

MUST burn the burnShares and transfer redeemAssets back to the redeemer according to the current share price.

MUST revert if no scheduled redemption for redeemer.

- name: settleRedemptions type: function stateMutability: nonpayable inputs: - name: redeemer - type: address outputs: - name: burnShares - type: uint256 - name: redeemAssets - type: uint256


Get the totalAssets of scheduled deposits for depositor.

MUST NOT revert.

- name: getScheduledDeposits type: function stateMutability: view inputs: - name: depositor - type: address outputs: - name: totalAssets - type: uint256


Get the totalShares of scheduled redemptions for redeemer.

MUST NOT revert.

- name: getScheduledRedemptions type: function stateMutability: view inputs: - name: redeemer - type: address outputs: - name: totalShares - type: uint256



sender schedules a deposit with assets in this round.

MUST be emitted via scheduleDeposit method.

- name: ScheduleDeposit type: event inputs: - name: sender indexed: true type: address - name: assets indexed: false type: uint256 - name: round indexed: false type: uint256


sender schedules a redemption with shares in this round.

MUST be emitted via scheduleRedeem method.

- name: ScheduleRedeem type: event inputs: - name: sender indexed: true type: address - name: shares indexed: false type: uint256 - name: round indexed: false type: uint2


Settle scheduled deposits for depositor in this round. Issue newShares and transfer them to the depositor.

MUST be emitted via settleDeposits method.

- name: SettleDeposits type: event inputs: - name: depositor indexed: true type: address - name: newShares type: uint256 - name: round type: uint256


Settle scheduled redemptions for redeemer in this round. Burn burnShares and transfer redeemAssets back to the redeemer.

MUST be emitted via settleRedemptions method.

- name: SettleRedemptions type: event inputs: - name: redeemer indexed: true type: address - name: burnShares type: uint256 - name: redeemAssets type: uint256 - name: round type: uint256


The standard is designed to be a minimal interface. Details such as the start and end of a lock-in period, and how the underlying tokens are being used during the lock-in period are not specified.

There is no function for scheduling a withdrawal, since during the lock-in period, the share price is undetermined, so it is impossible to determine how many underlying tokens can be withdrawn.

Backwards Compatibility

The deposit, mint, withdraw, redeem methods for EIP-4626 should revert when the isLocked is true to prevent issuing or burning shares with an undefined share price.

Security Considerations

Implementors need to be aware of unsettled scheduled deposits and redemptions. If a user has scheduled a deposit or redemption but does not settle when the isLocked is false, and then settles it after several rounds, the vault will process it with an incorrect share price. We didn’t specify the solution in the standard since there are many possible ways to solve this issue and we think implementors should decide the solution according to their use cases. For example:

  • Not allow the isLocked to become true if there is any unsettled scheduled deposit or redemption
  • Force settling the scheduled deposits or redemptions when the isLocked becomes true
  • Memorize the ending share price for each round and let the users settle according to the share prices

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